example qustions tentamen 1 (translation of
part of: AMLAanvullendeInfo.Pdf)
1. what is the menaing of (in a german title) ‘B-moll’?
2. translate the following tone names into english: Des, Gis.
3. write down intervals on a given tone (all kind of intervals, and:
perfect, major, minor, dimished, augmented) Translate the names into dutch/english.
4. write down intervals under a given tone.
5. name these intervals:.... Use abbrevations like: maj2 = major second,
augm4 = augmented 4, etc.. Indicat wether an interval is perfect consonant,
imperfect consonant (abbrevations: pf=perfect, impf=imperfect), or dissonant
((abbrevation: diss.)
6. write down the ...major scale. Write the sharps or flats of the
key at the clef, in the right order (fis cis dis gis
etc. and bes es as des etc. ).
7. write down the ... minor scale, melodic minor, up and down. Write
the sharps or flats of the key at the clef, in the right order.
8. which key is the relative minor key of ...major? which key is the
relative major key of ...minor?
9. beween which tones in the ...major key a diminished fifth can be
10. write down all diminished and augmented intervals that can be foun
in the key of ...harmonic minor.
11. write down the tones that are a) a diatonic half tone higher/lower
b) a chromatic half tone/lower higher then the given tone.
12. write down a note that is enharmonic identical with the given one.
Do not use double sharps or double flats.
13. write on the given tone a root position of a dimished/minor/major/augmented
triad. Give the jazz notation for each chord.
14. write on the given tone a 6- / 6/4-akkoord position of a
dimished/minor/major/augmented triad.
15. write a root position of a dimished/minor/major/augmented triad
on .... Indicate which degree in which keys the triad can be (e.g.: C:
V, d: VI )
16. write on the given tone a root position of a major / minor/
groot / dimished / dominant / half diminished / minor/major / augmented
seventh chord.
17. write on the given tone a 6/5 / 4/3 / 2 inversion
of a ....seventh chord.
18. write a … seventh chord on …. Indicate which degree in which keys
the seventh chord can be (e.g.: C: V7, d: VI7 )
19. give name and inversion of the following triads and seventh chords:...
(notated with doublings, 3 to 6 voices, in root position and inversions).
Use chord symbols or abbrevations.
20. write, in ...major/minor the following degrees … de volgende akkoorden:
IV6/5, V4/3 (etc)
21. Rewrite the following rhythms (by grouping the notes), so that
the metre is clearly visible.
22. Write in the following rhytms - above
weak beats, ' above strong beats, and
above relative strong beats.
Remarks to the file AMLAanvullendeInfo.Pdf : Namen van noten,
accidenties en toongeslachten in Nederlands, Duits, Engels, Frans)
The layout is suggesting that A = Do in french (and B = Re etc.) That's
wrong of course: it should be: A = La B = Si C = Do etc.
The german name of B doubleflat is NOT Bes, but HESES.
Names of the intervals in german:
Prime Sekunde Terz Quarte Quinte Sexte Septime Okave None Dezime Undezime
Keep in mind: english: (and spanish) relative = dutch: parallel
german: Parallele
english (and spanish) parallel = dutch gelijknamig
german: gleichnamig
The rest of the text is about the relative vs. absolute Do. You all
know about that, I think..
chord symbols (translation of the file
chords (in fact: the root of chords) are written in capitals: C G F
a capital without addition means: major triad
minor triads are indicated by 'm' or '-'
minor seventh: addition of '7' ; major seventh: addition
of 'maj7'
often no clear distinction is made between a dimished triad and a diminished
seventh chord
halfverminderd=half diminished
kleingroot=minor/major (minor triad+maj7)
What you have to know (AMLProgrammaTentamen1.Pdf)
Translation of (I hope all important..) words (as far as not mentioned
above, or in the tekst AanvullendeInfo.Pdf):
Notennamen=Names of the notes
Intervallen kunnen maken op en onder gegeven toon=
to be able to write intervals on or under a given tone
Kwintenircel=circle of fifths
Leidtoon=Leading tone
Intervallen tussen tonen van majeur- en mineurtoonladders=intervals
between tones of the
major- and minor scales
m.n.=met name=above all |
op gegeven grondtoon=on a given root
Positie van deze drieklanken: scale degree of these triads
Romeinse cijfers=roman numerals ( I II III IV etc.)
Genoteerde drieklanken herkennen=recognizing notated triads
Ligging =position/inversion
Verschillende bovenstemmen=all kind of upper voices
Basso continuo-cijfers=numbers in a figured bass
voor liggingen van drie en vierklanken= for inversions of triads and
seventh chords
Becijfering=numbering (in figured bass)
Maat, maatstreep=bar, barline
Maatsoort=bar (kind of bar: like 4/4 6/8 etc.)
zwaar, licht= strong, weak |